Sunday, April 22, 2007

"Just" Girls

Austin is playing on the Synergy competition soccer team this year and the coaches decided to start off the year by having them scrimmage against the Synergy girls team. When Austin heard that his team was playing against a girl team he said , "They are just girls, we will beat them easily". The girls team has been together for a few years and I believe were undefeated last year. This is the first time that Austin's team has played together and they have had only one practice with half the team there. I told Austin that girls can be just as good as boys and even better. He said, "no way we are going to kick their b----!"

The boys did play a great game but the girls ended up winning 5 to 3. You could see as the boys walked off the field that their egos were crushed. I even heard a few comments about cheating. As if girls could not win a soccer game against boys unless they cheated. I think it was a good eye operner for the boys and really showed them how good the players are now that they are playing competition soccer. Two of the girls are in Austin's class at school so we'll see how that goes tomorrow at school. Austin may be getting some grief from them.

This was a forced smile after the game was over.

Some of the girls were very tall on the other team.

Austin playing on his rec. soccer team.

Austin and one of his best friends Mar'yea.


Tara said...

Nothing like a little humble pie. But, congrats to Austin for making a select team!

Stephanie said...

I have never heard of a girls team playing a boys team, how fun is that. Girls can be tough to beat, I bet Austin would like a rematch.